Chargeur portable mobile - Movpower 4500

 Movpower 4000 is very portable. It's a product of compact design, please maintain properly . The suggestions below will help you to extend your usage period.

Please keep the device in dry place. Rainwater, moisture, various liquids may contain mineral composition, which may damage electronic components and circuit boards.
Please do not store the device in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices and make certain plastics become old.
Do not drop, knock or shake the device. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards and fine mechanics.
Please do not open the device privately.

Chargeur portable mobile - Movpower 4500
Mould Name:
Chargeur portable mobile - Movpower 4500
Product Size:
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Mould Cavity:
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Suitable Machine:
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Mould Injection System:
Mould Ejection System:
Mould Cycle Time:
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Chargeur portable mobile - Movpower 4500
Chargeur portable mobile - Movpower 4500
Chargeur portable mobile - Movpower 4500